Monday 9 July 2012

Can portraiture be defined?

Can portraiture be defined? 

Is this a portrait?

 Is this a portrait? (2012 Winner of the Archibald Prize)

 What about this? (Miro, Self Portrait)

and this....? (Van Gogh, Self-portrait)
    One of the most famous portraits in the world - The Mona Lisa!
    Year: c. 1503-1519
    Type: Oil on poplar
    Dimensions:  77 x 53 cm
    Location: Musee du Louvre, Paris

     A portrait is a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expression is predominant. The intent is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person. For this reason, in photography a portrait is generally not a snapshot, but a composed image of a person in a still position. A portrait often shows a person looking directly at the painter or photographer, in order to most successfully engage the subject with the viewer.


    1. A portrait can tell a story about a person. It not only shows us what a person may look like but may also reflect on what the person is like on the inside. A portrait depicts something unique about the person it portrays.

    2. a portrait is not necessarily a photo realistic interpretation of a person, but can be a vehicle of capturing the essence/ emotion of a particular point in time.

      This is not necessarily my favourite portrait ever, but it is a work of mine so easier to talk about.

      Though you cannot see her face, the clothing and gesture defines her being, to the viewer she is a generic female form but what sets her apart are features that allow her individuality to surface. Despite being able to interact with her on face value, her presence is still apparent.

    3. A portrait is a representation of a person and the best show more than just a face, giving a sense of their personality, interests or milieu. For example, my avatar has a portrait of me I arranged to promote a project for this article:

      However, the description above is more of modern notion as historically portraits are an indication of the value placed on a person through their ability to pay for a portrait or the importance placed on them by those creating or funding the portrait.

    4. The very best portraits express something indefinably unique about that person. They are a summing up of their personality and their attitudes to life. And although many portraits are pictures of people, they do not have to be. A collection of personal objects and/or images from a life lived is just as valid.

      My favourite? so many to choose from! For traditional painting, I do like Barbara Blackman by Nigel Thomson (winner of the Archibald 1997), and in another medium (video clip) - Johnny Cash, with a cover of the Nine Inch Nails' "Hurt" It sums up his turbulent life and battles with alcohol & drugs.

      Julie Gibbons

    5. This is the link to the Barbara Blackman portrait by Nigel Thomson. What a haunting and striking image.
